Monday, February 25, 2013

High Blood Pressure - Be Fit, Stay Fit Blog - Leisure Fitness

High Blood Pressure-Ways to Reduce Your Risk and Improve Your Health
Article by, Recommended by Jessica Loeser, Wellness Outreach Team

According to current estimates, almost one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure. But because there are no symptoms, almost one-third of these men and women aren?t even aware they have it (which explains why it is known as the silent killer).

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or even kidney failure. The one and only way to know if you have hypertension is to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Having it checked by a professional ensures accurate readings.

By getting the facts on high blood pressure, you will learn how to live a heart-healthier life. High blood pressure directly increases the chance of coronary heart disease which leads to heart attack and stroke, particularly when it?s combined with additional risk factors.

High blood pressure can appear in children or adults, but it?s most commonly found in men and women over the age of 35. It is also predominant in those people who are one or more of the following:
-over the age of 50
-heavy drinkers
-and in women who take birth control pills.

It may run in a family?s history, but in some cases, people with a strong family history of high blood pressure never develop it themselves. Also, men and women with diabetes mellitus, gout, or kidney disease are often prone to having high blood pressure.

Even if you have high blood pressure, you can lower your risks for heart attack and stroke with proper monitoring by a health care provider and easy lifestyle changes.

Alcohol Use. Over 9% of high blood pressure cases are brought on by alcohol misuse (two or more drinks per day); the more alcohol consumed the greater possibility of having high blood pressure.

In studies it was concluded that the abuse of alcohol could result in elevated systolic pressure and a decreased diastolic pressure. Also of surprise, it was found that people who just went out occasionally and drank heavily had even higher blood pressure than men and women who drank daily. Moderate drinking (less than two drinks a day) may have some benefits for the heart and may even guard against different types of stroke.

Of some concern was a study denotative that even low or modest drinking may heighten the danger for hypertension in African-Americans. Red wine, specifically, may have chemicals that benefit blood pressure; red grape juice may have the same advantages. It is critical, in any case, for men and women who can?t drink in moderation to refrain from alcohol all together.

Smoking is a significant risk consideration. One study reported that smokers typically have blood pressures up to 10 points higher than that of nonsmokers.

Caffeine causes an increase in one?s blood pressure temporarily, which was thought to be safe in men and women with normal blood pressure. Studies are indicating, however, that routine, heavy coffee drinking (an average of 5 cups per day) can raise blood pressure, and there is developing corroboration that a high consumption of coffee may be dangerous in men and women with hypertension and may even heighten their danger for stroke. Drinking coffee also increases loss of calcium, which also may affect blood pressure. Anyone who drinks coffee should retain a sufficient calcium intake.

Obesity; nearly one-third of patients with elevated blood pressure are obese. Even somewhat overweight adults have twice the danger of hypertension than men and women with acceptable weights. In reality, the rise in blood pressure in aging Americans may be due principally to weight increase. In other cultures, old age does not automatically line up with weight increase or elevated blood pressure. Children and adolescents who are overweight are at increased danger for developing hypertension when they become adults..

A diet known as ?Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension? (DASH) is now being used in efforts to better control blood pressure. This diet is not only loaded in significant nutrients and fiber, but also includes foods that are superior in supplemental calcium, magnesium, and potassium than those that are currently in the typical American?s dietary intake.

-Refrain from saturated fat although incorporate calcium-rich dairy products that are no- or low-fat. When choosing fats, pick monounsaturated oils, such as olive or canola oils. One study reported a reduced requirement for antihypertensive medicines in men and women with a high consumption of virgin olive oil, but not sunflower oil, a polyunsaturated fat.
-Select whole grains or multigrain bread, not white bread. The same holds true for pasta.
-Chose from a select choice of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Most of these foods are loaded in fiber, which may assist you to lower your blood pressure.
-Substantial foods that will assist you in lowering your blood pressure are mostly fruit?specifically those rich in potassium which could include bananas, oranges, cantaloupes and prunes?as well as vegetables such as carrots, celery, spinach, alfalfa, mushrooms, lima beans, avocados, potatoes, and broccoli.
-You should also consume nuts, seeds, legumes, dried beans or peas, cooked turnip greens, salmon, cottage cheese, low-fat milk, and yogurt as part of your daily nourishment.
-Select and choose smaller portions of protein?preferably chicken, turkey and fish, or soy goods.
-Soy products combined with foods that contain fiber or supplements may have definite benefits.
-Oily fish may also be extremely favorable as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been connected with heart and nerve protection.
-Most people know that salt is bad for people with high blood pressure, but they are unsure how best to reduce their intake. Controlling and maintaining a normal blood pressure is one area that we do have some command and control over. By keeping blood pressure levels within an acceptable range, you will also be eliminating other possible health problems in the future. Check your blood pressure on a consistent basis, and if it starts to elevate into the higher-than-normal levels, it is important to check with your physician. Strokes and heart attacks are irreversible!


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